Meet Nancy Bell

Nancy Bell has been a member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church for 44 years. "I have been a quiet member," she says, "but that doesn't mean that St. Luke's does not mean a lot to me. I have never wavered in my respect and pride for this church." She loves the sermons, the music and the orchestra, and is grateful for the wide variety of classes offered. She fondly remembers once taking a class on the major religions of the world, and said she would probably take it again if it was offered. It is also extremely important to her that the church is open and inclusive. And she appreciates knowing that if she ever needs help, she can go to one of the ministers, "even if just for a prayer."
Nancy grew up in Shelbyville, Indiana, graduated from Purdue and Butler Universities, and began her career as a kindergarten teacher. When her three children were growing up she was a stay-at-home mom, and during that time was an active volunteer at Conner Prairie and Washington Township schools. Then for 10 years she worked at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, directing a youth philanthropy program and later serving as their event and conference planner. She retired from IU in 2016.
Today Nancy enjoys cycling, gardening, and keeping in touch with her three children and four grandchildren. She loves spending time in London, where her son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters live, and in Los Angeles, where her daughter, son-in-law, and twin granddaughters live. She is very grateful to have one daughter who lives nearby.
When asked what inspired her to include St. Luke's in her estate planning, Nancy recalls hearing a young woman many years ago give her testimony during an annual stewardship campaign. The woman said she did not like the idea that one should give until it hurts. Rather, she thought we should give until it feels good. "I have always remembered that," Nancy said, "and quite simply I did this because it feels good. I feel that even though I am not an extremely wealthy person, people like me can put the church in our wills also."
Nancy went on to say, "Having been involved with nonprofits and through my experience at the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, I have learned that an unrestricted gift can often help an organization the most. Thus, I am not going to specify how I would like my money to be spent. I trust the church to spend it wisely."
Nancy concludes by noting, "So many times over the years I have been so proud of St. Luke's and proud to say I am a member. I'm lucky to have been here under the leadership of Carver McGriff, Kent Millard, and Rob Fuquay. They have all been very good leaders, men of strong faith, and have been wonderful for St. Luke's. I want St. Luke's to stay a very strong church. If my gift can help in a small way to make that possible, that pleases me."
It pleases St. Luke's that people like Nancy Bell recognize the importance of including the church in one's estate plans in order for the church to remain strong well into the future. St. Luke's is pleased to recognize Nancy Bell as a member of St. Luke's Legacy Society. If you would like more information on how you too can become a member, contact David Heetland, pastor of planned giving, at [email protected] or 317.399.6202.